Stroke Rehab

Stroke Rehab
Stroke RehabilitationRehabilitation training can help improve the quality and degree of movement that is affected related to stroke.

Risk Factors
What Causes a Stroke: 7 Major Stroke Risk FactorsToday, Let’s take a look at 7 conditions and lifestyle choices that might contribute to a higher risk of stroke.

Stroke Rehab
5 Stages of Your Stroke Rehab ProgressStroke recovery is going to be different for everyone based on their age, where the stroke occurred, what type of stroke they had.

Understanding Your Brain and StrokeOne of the most widely known diseases associated with such an important organ(cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem) is a stroke.

Rehabilitation Exercise
What are Good Exercises for Stroke Patient?Regular home-training or exercises are beneficial for the patient’s physical and mental health.

Digital Rehab
3 Common Reasons Why Your Home Rehab Isn’t Working and How To Fix ItTherapists have identified 3 main reasons why your home rehab program isn’t giving you the results you want. You can know how to fix it.

Recovery Calendar
Recovery Calendar: An Important Component of Stroke RecoveryA recovery calendar should include your participation in rehab exercises, symptoms and functional improvements that you’re noticing.

Serious Game
Stroke Rehabilitation Exercise through GamingRAPAEL Smart Rehabilitation Solutions provides customizable training for users recovering from the stroke, brain injury or hemiplegia.

Good Habits for Stroke
Is There a Good Diet for Stroke?What are some good foods for a stroke survivor to eat? Can you drink coffee or green tea after a stroke? What else is importatnt besides diet?

Rehabilitation at Home
Why You Should Start In-Home RehabilitationDue to physical and economic constraints, having access to long term rehabilitation may not be possible. What is the alternative?

User Reviews
The Road to Stroke Recovery with NeofectRAPAEL Smart Rehabilitation Solutions provide rehab and training through games for patients recovering from a stroke. Here are reviews of users.

Post Stroke Rehabilitation: What Does Telehealth Have to Do with It?A recent study about post-stroke rehabilitation reported that individuals who had experienced a stroke, saw as much improvement in their mobility through telerehabilitation sessions. Meet RAPAEL post-stroke rehabilitation solutions.

Serious Game
The Latest Way of Stroke Rehab: Serious gamesOne of the latest way of stroke rehabilitation is serious games. Find out how NEOFECT Smart Glove helps patients enjoy games and perform rehabilitation exercise effectively.

Using Brain Plasticity to Supercharge Your Brain for Stroke RecoveryAbout Characteristics of Plasticity, Ways To Harness Plasticity, How Exactly Does Plasticity Improve the Mind, and Maintaining Plasticity

Daily Rehabilitation
Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises at Home | Neofect Smart Rehab SolutionsMeet home-based rehabiltation solutions and training programs such as stroke rehabilitation exercises at home at the RAPAEL Home Blog.