Why You Should Start In-Home Rehabilitation
Jul 20, 2018
Why You Should Start In-Home Rehabilitation

Should I Start In-Home Rehabilitation?

If you are involved in rehabilitation after an injury or illness, you likely know that starting rehab early and performing rehabilitation exercises often is the key to improving your recovery. In an ideal world, you would have the support of an occupational or physical therapist for the duration of your recovery process.

However, due to physical and economic constraints, having access to long term rehabilitation may not be possible. What is the alternative? There are several pieces of technology that allow for motivating and engaging in-home rehab.

An in-home rehabilitation program includes the appropriate treatment and exercises necessary for continuous recovery. We recommend that you keep the following points in mind while discussing details for a home program with your therapist.

5 Points to Discuss Details for a Home Rehab Program

  • Let your therapist know that you want a program that will not only help you maintain your capabilities, but also improve them.
  • Establish the details of a home rehab program with your therapist as soon as possible.
  • Ask for information and methods that are essential in improving your motor skills even after the official treatment is over regardless of where you are being treated.
  • Discuss how to advance your home rehab program over time. It is important to adjust your goals as your abilities change, as well as to learn the necessary means and methods needed to achieve the goals.
  • Repeat this discussion regularly. Meet with the therapist every few months at a minimum , more often if you’re progressing quickly, to assess your e situation and decide whether or not to further tailor your program .


Neofect Smart Rehab Tools are one way to achieve more effective in-home rehab. Neofect Smart Glove Home was used by Dr. Kara Flavin of Stanford Neuroscience Health Center and her team to research the feasibility of an in-home rehab program using the Smart Glove. The program was carried out independently by stroke patients at home and showed good compliance, improved functional outcomes, as well as good satisfaction with the program. These results were presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology and were alsoo made public online via an abstract in the publication “Neurology”, one of the most respected journals in the field of neuroscience.

According to the Stanford Neuroscience Health Center, all the stroke patients who participated in the study involving home rehabilitation via Neofect’s Neofect Smart Glove reported satisfactory results.


The Neofect Smart Glove and Neofect Home software allows for a high intensity, high repetition program that users can complete in the comfort of their own home. The product is designed to be a customized rehab tool for each patient using artificial intelligence and and an algorithm that guides a person through appropriate training activities to increase the brain’s plasticity and improve motor function. If you have more questions about Neofect Smart Rehab tools, optimized for stroke rehabilitation, please visit our website.

*Neofect Home Inquiry:
-Phone: (888) 623-8984


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