What does a drop foot brace do?

*Buy Drop Foot Brace here

You may need to consider a drop foot brace if you have difficulty with swing-phase foot clearance after stroke and/or stance phase control that affects walking. Drop Foot Brace is an ankle and foot brace for stroke, neurologic disorders, and nerve injury patients. The brace maintains foot dorsiflexion and prevents the foot from inverting during gait.

Neofect footdrop brace

Table of contents

Drop Foot Brace is Helpful for the following people:

  • Individuals who have had strokes and other neurological deficits as well as nerve injuries resulting in abnormal gait.
  • Those who need ankle and foot stability to improve mobility for everyday activities.


Before buying a drop foot brace, check if the dropfoot brace...

  • is tested by experts,
  • is easy to wear,
  • is applicable with socks and shoes so you can go outdoors with it,
  • supports the ankle and keep dorsiflexed properly,
  • keeps the ankle and foot from inverting and dropping,
  • has an anti-claw toe/foot pad,
  • has different tension straps to increase ankle stability and allow blood circulation,
  • allows sensation and motion for numbness according to nerve changes

Neofect Drop Foot Brace

Based on the expertise of a physical therapist, Neofect Drop Foot Brace is designed to support the ankle and keep the foot dorsiflexed. The main purpose of the brace is to keep the ankle and foot from inverting and dropping. This can be caused by nerve injury, muscle or nerve disorders, brain or spinal cord disorders. With its ergonomic design, the brace helps individuals to walk more naturally but assisting with lifting the toes and keeping the ankle in alignment.

What is the best footdrop brace? Neofect Dropfoot brace

Foot drop causes the toes to drag on the ground, creating the need for changes in gait to compensate in order to clear the foot. A 2mm foot pad provides support to keep the toes from clawing during walking. Different strap tensions are available to increase ankle stability. 3 high tension straps and 1 low tension strap provides appropriate support to improve gait. Also, the wide main strap allows blood circulation on your ankle and foot.
To purchase Neofect Drop Foot Brace, please visit here.

Further reading:

How to normalize gait - Dynamic AFO Foot Drop Brace after stroke

Other support and brace products:



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