Rehabilitation at Home

Stroke Recovery
Improve Balance After Stroke: Part 1In today’s culture, it seems that we are always in search of the elusive life balance. But when a person survives a stroke, the word balance goes much further than simply finding an equilibrium between work and life.

Stroke ManagementIn the United States alone, more than 6.5 million people have experienced and lived through a stroke. More than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke every year, and our objective is to help those survivors and their families through providing resources, information, tools,

Electrical Stimulation
How Can Electrical Stimulation Help After a Stroke?Electrical stimulation therapy consists of taking electrodes and attaching them on to the skin over a muscle. Once the electrical stimulation unit is activated, it sends electrical currents to the muscle causing it to contract.

Home Health Service
3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Home Health ServicesMany people do not fully understand what home health entails, why they qualified and how long they are eligible for these services.

Stroke Recovery
How To Measure Stroke Recovery ProperlyConsistent participation in rehabilitation can be hard to sustain, often because it is difficult for patients to notice progress as it is happening.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence(AI) Healthcare and Customized RehabilitationArtificial Intelligence Healthcare is emerging as next-generation technology, bringing fundamental changes to one's lifestyle like stroke rehabilitation.

Stroke Rehab
5 Stages of Your Stroke Rehab ProgressStroke recovery is going to be different for everyone based on their age, where the stroke occurred, what type of stroke they had.

Rehabilitation Exercise
What are Good Exercises for Stroke Patient?Regular home-training or exercises are beneficial for the patient’s physical and mental health.

Digital Rehab
3 Common Reasons Why Your Home Rehab Isn’t Working and How To Fix ItTherapists have identified 3 main reasons why your home rehab program isn’t giving you the results you want. You can know how to fix it.

Recovery Calendar
Recovery Calendar: An Important Component of Stroke RecoveryA recovery calendar should include your participation in rehab exercises, symptoms and functional improvements that you’re noticing.

Serious Game
Stroke Rehabilitation Exercise through GamingRAPAEL Smart Rehabilitation Solutions provides customizable training for users recovering from the stroke, brain injury or hemiplegia.

Rehabilitation at Home
Why You Should Start In-Home RehabilitationDue to physical and economic constraints, having access to long term rehabilitation may not be possible. What is the alternative?

User Reviews
The Road to Stroke Recovery with NeofectRAPAEL Smart Rehabilitation Solutions provide rehab and training through games for patients recovering from a stroke. Here are reviews of users.

Post Stroke Rehabilitation: What Does Telehealth Have to Do with It?A recent study about post-stroke rehabilitation reported that individuals who had experienced a stroke, saw as much improvement in their mobility through telerehabilitation sessions. Meet RAPAEL post-stroke rehabilitation solutions.

Digital Rehab
Smart Rehabilitation Training Games for Stroke at homeNEOFECT’s RAPAEL Smart Solutions provide rehabilitation through games for patients recovering from a stroke, brain injury, hemiplegia, and so on.