Is There a Good Diet for Stroke?

What are some good foods for a stroke survivor to eat?

There is not a particular recommended diet for stroke survivors who are recovering. On the contrary, there are no diets a stroke survivor should strictly avoid. The most important principle is to have a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Adhering to healthy eating habits is crucial.


It is especially important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat foods, fish, and nuts. Vegetables not only contain essential minerals but are also rich in nutrients and fiber. In addition, it is low in calories which is helpful for treating or preventing obesity. Fibroid materials in fruit is better absorbed when fruits are eaten not juiced. Fish contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids which should be consumed at least twice a week.

If you are worried about hyperlipidemia and completely remove meat or fish from your diet, the supply of essential fatty acids and essential amino acids may be insufficient. So, it is recommended that you consume an appropriate amount. However, excessive intake of sugar and salt through instant foods, high-fat foods, spicy, and salty foods can cause obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Obesity may lead to allergic sclerosis, therefore you should refrain from overeating.


Can you drink coffee or green tea after a stroke?

Long-term intake of small amounts of coffee that does not contain sugar or non-dairy creamer is known to be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. But excessive intake may result in arrhythmia or cardiac arrest.

Green tea contains a kind of flavonoid called catechin. Flavonoids have antioxidant properties and are known to reduce mortality from stroke and cardiovascular disease when ingested long-term in low doses.


What else is important besides diet?

Stroke patients may experience slowed motor function due to paralysis and various complications. Therefore, along with the diet, regular exercise is necessary to maintain the motor functions. Exercise helps to maintain the patient’s physical abilities and mental health. There may be those that feel uncomfortable visiting sports or rehabilitation centers for exercise or rehabilitation training due to time and distance constraints. Neofect Smart Solution enables you to undergo rehabilitation training whenever you want at home. If you want to learn more about, please visit our website.


*Neofect Home Inquiry:
-Phone: (888) 623-8984


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