Stroke Recovery
Improve Balance After Stroke: Part 1In today’s culture, it seems that we are always in search of the elusive life balance. But when a person survives a stroke, the word balance goes much further than simply finding an equilibrium between work and life.

Can I Exercise With ALS?Recent studies support that moderate exercise may help maintain muscle strength and enhance quality of life for those with ALS. Read our tips on exercising safely with the condition.

What is the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)?The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a clinical assessment of stroke severity. Results from this measure can help predict a patient's recovery and determine their medical course following acute stroke.

Stroke Recovery
Why Are Repetitive Motions Important After a Stroke?Stroke survivors face a unique and difficult challenge: repairing and remodeling their bodies, minds, and lives. The process can often seem like mapping out a brand new course through totally uncharted waters.

What is Ataxia?Ataxia refers to the loss of control of voluntary movements of the body, including the limbs, face, or eyes. Ataxia can be an independent occurrence or a consequence of a stroke. Read on to learn more about this neurological symptom and how it is treated.

What is Apraxia?Throughout the course of a day, the human body is constantly coordinating movement. When brain areas controlling movement are damaged, a breakdown in motor planning can occur. This breakdown can also be referred to as Apraxia.

Home Rehab
Outpatient Rehab: Outpatient or At-Home TherapyAbout 2/3 of stroke survivors receive rehabilitation services. Depending on the level of medical care required, a patient can receive inpatient, outpatient, or home therapy.

Tips for Unlocking Neuroplasticity After Stroke Part 1It is impossible to fully reverse stroke damage, current research has shown that the brain is capable of relearning lost skills even years after a stroke through a process called Neuroplasticity.

brain aneurysm
What is a Brain Aneurysm?A brain aneurysm is when one has a bulge in a blood vessel located in the brain. A brain aneurysm can burst or leak and when that happens it can cause a hemorrhagic stroke.

stroke recovery and rehabilitation
Creating a Post Stroke Recovery Routine at HomeHaving a daily routine helps us create habits to meet our goals. After a stroke, organizing your day in a way that works for you will help you stay focused on your stroke rehab and recovery.

Post-Stroke ChallengesAfter experiencing a stroke, many people are unsure of how their day-to-day life will look. On top of financial burdens, doctor visits, and therapy sessions, patients often face emotional, physical, and cognitive changes.

What causes a stroke?Stroke is a disease caused by the abrupt stoppage of blood flow to the brain. When the blood vessel providing oxygen and nutrients is disrupted, your brain is cut-off from the supply of those critical

Stroke ManagementIn the United States alone, more than 6.5 million people have experienced and lived through a stroke. More than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke every year, and our objective is to help those survivors and their families through providing resources, information, tools,

Spasticity and StrokeA stroke is caused by either a blockage of a blood vessel or bleeding in or around the brain, which results in a lack of oxygen to the brain and the death of brain cells.

Using the Neofect Smart Glove to Maximize Constraint-Induced Movement TherapyConstraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is used to treat people with Hemiplegia by constraining or restricting movement of the non-affected hand to force a person to use their affected hand.