Delicate Movements are More Effective for Changes in the Brain

Delicate Movements are More Effective for Changes in the Brain


Research on the brain has been conducted for a very long time. Thanks to the studies, most of us now know that the brain is a very important part of our body. In the initial stage of brain studies, Frisch and Hitzig conducted their research on the brains of dogs. They engaged in experiments with the dog brains and were the first to prove that the right hemisphere is responsible for the left set of limbs and the left hemisphere responsible for the right.

Initially, the research was mainly conducted on dogs and cats, and thereafter on primates that resemble human beings. An iconic researcher of the field is Sherrington. He conducted his research on monkeys and found parts of the brain that control each of the movements through electric stimulation on the motor area of the cerebral cortex.

Recently, a researcher named Penfield, also a student of Sherrington, conducted the same research used on monkeys to study areas of the brain controlling movement, but this time on actual human beings.

Upon such findings, most parts of the motor area of human’s cerebral cortex were found, but new questions started to form. A question was posed on whether the movements in the motor area were for the control of individual muscles or for the control of a set of multiple muscles needed for a specific movement.

A monkey was given instructions to make a delicate fist clench and a strong fist clench, for which the activity of muscles and the activity of the motor area in the cerebral cortex were both measured.


Results showed that there was no significant difference in the muscle activity for the delicate and strong clenches, but the activity of the motor area in the cerebral cortex was greater for the delicate clench than for the strong clench. It concludes that for the activation or changes in the motor area of the cerebral cortex in the brain, delicate movements may induce greater changes than simple movements can.

If your sole purpose is to strengthen your muscles, simple movements would also be effective, but delicate movements would be more helpful in inducing changes in the brain. As such, wouldn’t the repetition of delicate movements bring about better results than simple movements also in rehabilitation training? Visit our website and get som information about delicate hand rehabilitation training.

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