
Brain Injury
Understanding Brain Injury: Types, Effects, and OutcomesBrain injury is a widely recognized concept, but many are not aware that it is an umbrella term. To acknowledge Brain Injury Awareness Month this March, we shed light on all things brain injury.

Post-Stroke Dizziness: How Vestibular Therapy Can HelpFeeling dizzy after a stroke is more common than you think. Learn more about post-stroke dizziness and how vestibular therapy can improve your function.

The Ultimate Guide to Stroke ExercisesFunctional recovery is possible, even years after a stroke. Learn how to harness neuroplasticity through repetitive exercise, and the all-around health benefits of staying active after stroke or brain injury.

energy conservation
Saving Your EnergyWhen you save your energy, your body accomplishes more, and often more efficiently. Use the following strategies to be more efficient, productive, and safe during your daily routine.

Making Medication Management EasierSeventy percent of American adults report taking at least one medication. Consider the following tips to streamline your medication management process.

What is Ataxia?Ataxia refers to the loss of control of voluntary movements of the body, including the limbs, face, or eyes. Ataxia can be an independent occurrence or a consequence of a stroke. Read on to learn more about this neurological symptom and how it is treated.

What is Apraxia?Throughout the course of a day, the human body is constantly coordinating movement. When brain areas controlling movement are damaged, a breakdown in motor planning can occur. This breakdown can also be referred to as Apraxia.

Hemiplegia and hemiparesis could seem very similar because they sometimes have the same underlying symptoms. However, they have different meanings.

Hand Rehabilitation Training
Delicate Movements are More Effective for Changes in the BrainResearch on the brain has been conducted for a very long time. Thanks to the studies, most of us know that the brain is a very important part of our body.

4 Tips for Combating Hemiplegia Using the Power of the BrainConsider functional things that you can do with your affected side. Get out of the habit of moving your affected side with your "good" or non-affected side.