NEOFECT Smart Glove

Tips for Unlocking Neuroplasticity After Stroke Part 1It is impossible to fully reverse stroke damage, current research has shown that the brain is capable of relearning lost skills even years after a stroke through a process called Neuroplasticity.

Spasticity and StrokeA stroke is caused by either a blockage of a blood vessel or bleeding in or around the brain, which results in a lack of oxygen to the brain and the death of brain cells.

Using the Neofect Smart Glove to Maximize Constraint-Induced Movement TherapyConstraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is used to treat people with Hemiplegia by constraining or restricting movement of the non-affected hand to force a person to use their affected hand.

Stroke Recovery
How Can I Regain Hand Function After a Stroke?Many stroke survivors notice that the hand takes the longest to recover after a stroke. This may become very frustrating for many. However, there are two main techniques and exercises that can help speed the recovery of the hand up!

stroke recovery and rehabilitation
Tips on How to Choose the Best Neofect Device for People With StrokeNEOFECT rehabilitation devices close the gap between what we know from current stroke research and what is happening in actual life.

stroke rehab device
How to Determine the Best at Home Stroke Rehab Device to UseOnce you or a loved one is released from the hospital after having a stroke and are back home it is important to start thinking about how to best continue your post stroke rehabilitation program.

Stroke Rehab
How the Neofect Smart Glove Stroke Rehab Device Aids in Stroke RecoveryThe NEOFECT Smart Glove is a stroke rehab device to help stroke survivors regain functionality in their hands and arms.

stroke recovery stories
Stroke Recovery Story - Stroke Survivor AnnieHome exercise programs are crucial for stroke recovery but can be discouraging when not seeing immediate results. Annie was in her late 20’s when she suffered a stroke and faced an uphill battle to regain usage of her right arm.

stroke recovery stories
Stroke Recovery Stories - Stroke Survivor MarcyAfter having a stroke, Marcy began looking for at-home stroke rehabilitation solutions. This is Marcy's stroke recovery story after her 1 month of acute rehab in the hospital.

stroke victim support
Emotional and Behavioral Challenges After a StrokeMany people wonder if emotional and behavioral changes are permanent. The answer is usually no.

mirror therapy stroke
Stroke Exercises: Using Mirror Therapy and Mirror NeuronsMirror therapy is an easy and low-tech therapy technique. It’s essentially a therapy that tricks your brain into thinking that the weakened hand or arm is moving.

stroke recovery time
10 Tips From an Occupational Therapist on How to Stay Committed to Stroke Recovery at HomeHere are 10 tips that help you stay committed to stroke recovery program at home for successful healing after a stroke.

Stroke Rehab
Portable Home Therapy for Stroke RehabResearch has shown that utilizing the Neofect Smart Glove 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes has increased users upper extremity function as well as overall quality of life.

5 Ways Brain Games For Stroke Rehabilitation Can Increase Brain HealthDid you know games can help increase your brain health? We think that’s pretty cool too! Keep reading to find out how...

left side stroke
5 Symptoms of a Left Side Stroke of the BrainEvery stroke is different and will affect people differently based on the severity. The left hemisphere of the brain can cause the following 5 symptoms.
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