stroke recovery stories

stroke recovery stories
Stroke Recovery Stories - Using Smart Glove for E-StimAfter experiencing a stroke, Glen was searching for alternative therapy options after he ran out of resources with his outpatient rehabilitation. The Smart Glove resonated with him because this at-home stroke rehabilitation device reinforces exercises and habits that stimulate Neuroplasticity.

Congenital Stroke
Neofect Smart Glove Helps Congenital Stroke Survivor JanetNEOFECT Smart Glove user Janet suffered a congenital stroke when she was an infant. Janet went through therapy as a youth, took some time off, returning to therapy as an adult to take control of her body once again.

stroke recovery stories
Stroke Recovery Story - Stroke Survivor AnnieHome exercise programs are crucial for stroke recovery but can be discouraging when not seeing immediate results. Annie was in her late 20’s when she suffered a stroke and faced an uphill battle to regain usage of her right arm.

stroke recovery stories
Stroke Recovery Stories - Stroke Survivor MarcyAfter having a stroke, Marcy began looking for at-home stroke rehabilitation solutions. This is Marcy's stroke recovery story after her 1 month of acute rehab in the hospital.