Stroke Rehabilitation - Blog | Neofect
Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke Recovery: How to recover after stroke quickly
Stroke Recovery
Stroke Recovery: How to recover after stroke quickly
We’ll explain what’s important in stroke rehabilitation and how long it takes to recover after a stroke to recover quickly. Also, You can see what skills are expected to improve during stroke rehabilitation.
Muscle Function Changes After Stroke
Spasticity after stroke
Stroke Lingo Part 3: Muscle Function Changes After Stroke
Part three of the Stroke Lingo blog series reviews clinical words commonly used to describe post-stroke muscle changes including muscle tone, spasticity, and contracture.
Setting Personal Goals After Stroke
Stroke Recovery
Setting Personal Goals After Stroke
Goal-setting becomes the name of the game for stroke survivors as they transition from the hospital back into their homes and communities.
What is Left Neglect and How Can I Treat it?
Left Sided Neglect
What is Left Neglect and How Can I Treat it?
Left sided neglect is defined as impaired awareness of stimuli on one side of the body, despite not having any sensory loss to that side of the body.
Fall Prevention Techniques for Stroke Survivors
Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention Techniques for Stroke Survivors
Stroke survivors are three times more likely to fall at home after having a stroke than the general population.
How Can I Prevent Having Another Stoke?
Stroke Prevention
How Can I Prevent Having Another Stoke?
More than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke every year. About 185,00 of these strokes happen to people who have had a previous stroke.