Improve Movement - Blog | Neofect
Improve Movement
Why Are Repetitive Motions Important After a Stroke?
Stroke Recovery
Why Are Repetitive Motions Important After a Stroke?
Stroke survivors face a unique and difficult challenge: repairing and remodeling their bodies, minds, and lives. The process can often seem like mapping out a brand new course through totally uncharted waters.
Movement and Strength of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy Rehab
Movement and Strength of Children with Cerebral Palsy
It can be confusing to determine what type and frequency of strength training activity would be helpful for children with cerebral palsy. Follow these tips to set up an effective program.
4 Tips for Combating Hemiplegia Using the Power of the Brain
4 Tips for Combating Hemiplegia Using the Power of the Brain
Consider functional things that you can do with your affected side. Get out of the habit of moving your affected side with your "good" or non-affected side.